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NAS Parallel Benchmarks, v.2.3, 4 old nodes, Class B

Same thing but with some class B problems :

NAS Parallel Benchmarks 2.3 -- BT Benchmark

 No input file inputbt.data. Using compiled defaults
 Size: 102x102x102
 Iterations: 200    dt:   0.000300
 Number of active processes:     4

 Time step    1
 Time step   20
 Time step   40
 Time step   60
 Time step   80
 Time step  100
 Time step  120
 Time step  140
 Time step  160
 Time step  180
 Time step  200
 Verification being performed for class B
 accuracy setting for epsilon =  0.1000000000000E-07
 Comparison of RMS-norms of residual
           1 0.1423359722929E+04 0.1423359722929E+04 0.1022363847589E-13
           2 0.9933052259015E+02 0.9933052259015E+02 0.3576658600156E-14
           3 0.3564602564454E+03 0.3564602564454E+03 0.9567981478943E-14
           4 0.3248544795908E+03 0.3248544795908E+03 0.8924039974922E-14
           5 0.3270754125466E+04 0.3270754125466E+04 0.7924961035350E-14
 Comparison of RMS-norms of solution error
           1 0.5296984714094E+02 0.5296984714094E+02 0.2682819657265E-15
           2 0.4463289611567E+01 0.4463289611567E+01 0.1313376025349E-13
           3 0.1312257334221E+02 0.1312257334221E+02 0.1272445110796E-13
           4 0.1200692532356E+02 0.1200692532356E+02 0.6805440394643E-14
           5 0.1245957615104E+03 0.1245957615104E+03 0.9580677397102E-14
 Verification Successful

 BT Benchmark Completed.
 Class           =                        B
 Size            =              102x102x102
 Iterations      =                      200
 Time in seconds =                  3749.70
 Total processes =                        4
 Compiled procs  =                        4
 Mop/s total     =                   187.26
 Mop/s/process   =                    46.82
 Operation type  =           floating point
 Verification    =               SUCCESSFUL
 Version         =                      2.3
 Compile date    =              01 Jul 2004

NAS Parallel Benchmarks 2.3 -- CG Benchmark

 Size:      75000
 Iterations:    75
 Number of active processes:     4

   iteration           ||r||                 zeta
        1       0.69193709230748E-13    59.9994751578754
        2       0.28141945568203E-15    21.7627846142538
        3       0.28718442433926E-15    22.2876617043225
        4       0.28648847914316E-15    22.5230738188352
        5       0.28646548027657E-15    22.6275390653890
        6       0.28892116417746E-15    22.6740259189537
        7       0.28588519422570E-15    22.6949056826253
        8       0.28757508184430E-15    22.7044023166871
        9       0.28489138913103E-15    22.7087834345616
       10       0.28290362714351E-15    22.7108351397172
       11       0.28073728532475E-15    22.7118107121337
       12       0.27894300627844E-15    22.7122816240973
       13       0.27774705085966E-15    22.7125122663245
       14       0.27672301837465E-15    22.7126268007598
       15       0.27632853650248E-15    22.7126844161817
       16       0.27701107848661E-15    22.7127137461758
       17       0.27527253957371E-15    22.7127288401997
       18       0.27526937153199E-15    22.7127366848298
       19       0.27142299392295E-15    22.7127407981219
       20       0.26944857877485E-15    22.7127429721363
       21       0.26737630902373E-15    22.7127441294028
       22       0.26699062556831E-15    22.7127447493900
       23       0.26745493951737E-15    22.7127450834529
       24       0.26711631665575E-15    22.7127452643880
       25       0.26416455913688E-15    22.7127453628459
       26       0.26326158480314E-15    22.7127454166513
       27       0.26139812522586E-15    22.7127454461692
       28       0.25928433990318E-15    22.7127454624205
       29       0.25848444814560E-15    22.7127454713971
       30       0.25743791847340E-15    22.7127454763704
       31       0.25693678051438E-15    22.7127454791336
       32       0.25566595889551E-15    22.7127454806729
       33       0.25638631902605E-15    22.7127454815324
       34       0.25488661790252E-15    22.7127454820135
       35       0.25238477726577E-15    22.7127454822834
       36       0.24853695736815E-15    22.7127454824351
       37       0.24883538356675E-15    22.7127454825205
       38       0.24623665470232E-15    22.7127454825687
       39       0.24596048237673E-15    22.7127454825960
       40       0.24637100909880E-15    22.7127454826114
       41       0.24479729435668E-15    22.7127454826201
       42       0.24300250647291E-15    22.7127454826251
       43       0.24122825270323E-15    22.7127454826279
       44       0.23723937512818E-15    22.7127454826295
       45       0.23791877490302E-15    22.7127454826305
       46       0.23629703347117E-15    22.7127454826310
       47       0.23376431756145E-15    22.7127454826313
       48       0.23510223037072E-15    22.7127454826315
       49       0.23401710411675E-15    22.7127454826316
       50       0.23264193113652E-15    22.7127454826316
       51       0.22911507999737E-15    22.7127454826316
       52       0.22717881324044E-15    22.7127454826317
       53       0.22354603142490E-15    22.7127454826317
       54       0.22184819335527E-15    22.7127454826317
       55       0.22335377396629E-15    22.7127454826317
       56       0.22585172286732E-15    22.7127454826317
       57       0.22081685261552E-15    22.7127454826317
       58       0.22232788578353E-15    22.7127454826317
       59       0.21628524242833E-15    22.7127454826317
       60       0.21426105679300E-15    22.7127454826317
       61       0.21101843413778E-15    22.7127454826317
       62       0.21271192839266E-15    22.7127454826317
       63       0.20897993359087E-15    22.7127454826317
       64       0.20994699893914E-15    22.7127454826317
       65       0.21100763390602E-15    22.7127454826317
       66       0.20837371150813E-15    22.7127454826317
       67       0.20759800026419E-15    22.7127454826317
       68       0.20603097371184E-15    22.7127454826317
       69       0.20036961462294E-15    22.7127454826317
       70       0.20157770851043E-15    22.7127454826317
       71       0.19580568916770E-15    22.7127454826317
       72       0.19907615987890E-15    22.7127454826317
       73       0.20000284741762E-15    22.7127454826317
       74       0.20023813514498E-15    22.7127454826317
       75       0.19450164869779E-15    22.7127454826317
 Benchmark completed 
 Zeta is      0.227127454826E+02
 Error is     0.692779167366E-12

 CG Benchmark Completed.
 Class           =                        B
 Size            =                    75000
 Iterations      =                       75
 Time in seconds =                  1104.66
 Total processes =                        4
 Compiled procs  =                        4
 Mop/s total     =                    49.53
 Mop/s/process   =                    12.38
 Operation type  =           floating point
 Verification    =               SUCCESSFUL
 Version         =                      2.3
 Compile date    =              01 Jul 2004

NAS Parallel Benchmarks 2.3 -- EP Benchmark

 Number of random numbers generated:   2147483648  
 Number of active processes:                    4

EP Benchmark Results:

CPU Time =  141.1774
N = 2^   30
No. Gaussian Pairs =     843345606.
Sums =     4.033815542441965D+04   -2.660669192811154D+04
  0     393058470.
  1     375280898.
  2      70460742.
  3       4438852.
  4        105691.
  5           948.
  6             5.
  7             0.
  8             0.
  9             0.

 EP Benchmark Completed.
 Class           =                        B
 Size            =               2147483648  
 Iterations      =                        0
 Time in seconds =                   141.18
 Total processes =                        4
 Compiled procs  =                        4
 Mop/s total     =                    15.21
 Mop/s/process   =                     3.80
 Operation type  = Random numbers generated
 Verification    =               SUCCESSFUL
 Version         =                      2.3
 Compile date    =              01 Jul 2004

NAS Parallel Benchmarks 2.3 -- IS Benchmark

 Size:  33554432  (class B)
 Iterations:   10
 Number of processes:     4


 IS Benchmark Completed
 Class           =                        B
 Size            =                 33554432
 Iterations      =                       10
 Time in seconds =                    91.86
 Total processes =                        4
 Compiled procs  =                        4
 Mop/s total     =                     3.65
 Mop/s/process   =                     0.91
 Operation type  =              keys ranked
 Verification    =               SUCCESSFUL
 Version         =                      2.3
 Compile date    =              01 Jul 2004