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SGE script to start a parallel job on the cluster

Difference (from prior major revision)

Changed: 1,3c1,5

< Cut-and-paste the script that follows in a reasonably named file like <i>myjob.sh</i>, edit the file and change the obvious things (like program name, arguments to program, name of log file, number of processors) and then submit the job with <b>qsub myjob.sh</b>. Check that it starts without problems using <b>qstat</b>.
< <code>


> To run a parallel MPI program on the cluster :
> * Create
a dedicated directory somewhere in /work
> * Place all files needed by your job (and possibly also
the executable) in this directory.
> * Create a
file with a suitable name (like <i>myjob.sh</i>) containing the script that follows.
> <source>

Changed: 7c9

< # The name of the log file (MPI_log) ...


> # The name of the job (MPI_job) ...

Changed: 9c11

< #$ -N MPI_log


> #$ -N MPI_job

Added: 14a17,20

> # For the 'mpi_fast' environment you may want to define a master queue :
> #
> #$ -masterq server.q
> #

Changed: 32c38,41

< </code>


> </source>
> * Edit this file and change the obvious things (like program name, arguments to program, job name, number of processors).
> * Submit the job with <b>qsub myjob.sh</b>.
> * Check that it started without problems using <b>qstat</b>.

To run a parallel MPI program on the cluster :