MBG wiki | RecentChanges | Blog | 2024-05-06 | 2024-05-05

SGE script to start a simple (serial) job on the cluster

Difference (from prior major revision)

Changed: 5c5

< <code>


> <source>

Changed: 21,23c21,23

< mosrun -L my_program
< </code>

< * Edit this file and change <i>my_program</i> with the name of your executable (but keep the 'mosrun -L' stuff).


> my_program_name <arguments>
> </source>

> * Edit this file and change <i>my_program_name</i> with the name of your executable. Add (if needed) the arguments to your program.

To submit a simple serial (ie non-parallel) job on the cluster via SGE do the following :